Formerly the "Angry Nintendo Nerd", everyone's favourite ranting games geek takes a peek at Rocky on the Master System, in honour of Rocky VI coming out. Funny stuff! Oh and I will start playing and reviewing more games just as soon as the biggest Ginger tells me where he's stashed my bloody Master System games collection. Yes that's right! He's only gone and displaced the Master System from it's place in the loft room (now his bedroom *HARUMPH!*) and stashed it somewhere without telling me! Pesky Kids!
Developed by the wonderful Sonic Team, Project Rub is as much fun as anything else out for the DS. The game was given to the Team with the brief that they needed to show off all of the innovation that the DS has to offer. Thus there is lots of rubbing (hence the name) with the stylus, blowing and shouting into the mic and so on. The graphical style is very original and the music 'quirky' to say the least! the best thing about the game to an old skinflint like me is the price. At a time when new games cost anything up to £30(ish),
I picked up Project Rub for £4.99 pre-owned. Lovely really!