But in order to make a good impression on my new patron, I thought I'd follow up with my second post in two days! Now as you all know, this site is something of a sideline for me and Gnome... or maybe more like a spin-off T.V. show...
Indeed my main responsibility is ensuring with Teeleecee and The Gagaman(n) that the Dreamcast remains the most revered console of all time!!! "But Father!" you cry..."The Dreamcast has nothing to do with 'gaming on the go!"
"Or does it?" I reply... "OR DOES IT??"
For you see as well as acting as a memory card which slotted cleverly into the Dreamcast's ergonomic controller, the wonderful VMU (Visual Memory Unit) was also a portable game system in it's own right!!

For a full list of original DC titles that featured VMU games visit Wikipedia here.
VMU emulators have continued to produce games for the VMU, and a large selection are freely available on the 'VMU Tool' wonderfully promoted in this Dreamcast Junkyard article by the Gagaman(n).
The best game I personally have experienced for the VMU is 'Chao Adventure'. This little beauty was to be found in 'Sonic Adventure', one of the Dreamcast's flagship titles, featuring our favourite blue Hedgehog, and iconic Sega mascot, Sonic.

Once you had your Chao in the VMU it was ready for an adventure of it's own... Playing something like a Tamagotchi on steroids, our little hero would plod on a 2D quest through a variety of lands such as desert, forest, city etc.

Failure to hit the button at the right time would mean failure to strike, and the game player would then have to watch helplessly, whilst the Bully swung and struck his little pet, damaging it severely.

And gender was important! For there was also the chance to 'mate' the little tykes... by attaching two VMU's together!!! Yes folks there was even the potential for a little Chao 'porn action'!!

There was only one downside to this addictive mini-game. It never seemed to end!!! Actually on second thoughts, that was a plus!!! And there was only one downside to the VMU...it's battery sapping potential. Be prepared to shell out regularly if you get one and use it to game...

The Gnome's Lair has an excellent article recommending all of you to buy a Dreamcast which you can view here.
For all of you DS and PSP owners fear not! I will get round to these esteemed consoles very soon! But I will also squeeze in as many portable/handheld Dreamcast related articles as I can...
Including a soon to arrive post on the wonderful 'Treamcast... 'TRansportable dREAMCAST' geddit??
Including a soon to arrive post on the wonderful 'Treamcast... 'TRansportable dREAMCAST' geddit??

Related posts: the Sega Game Gear, TI-85 on the DS, Visiting Day
Related Tags: Dreamcast, VMU, Treamcast, Sonic, Retro, Retro handhelds, Retro gaming, Games, Game, Chao, SEGA, SEGA Dreamcast
Father Krishna, that was another ace post. You've definitely outdone yourself... Brilliant! Tops! Etc!
ReplyDeleteWhy... Thankyou Dear Gnome!
ReplyDeleteIt's a measure of how thrilled I am to be here!!!
Just been chatting on AOL IM to Deitrix...
I reckon we could have a lot of fun if you, me, him and the Elderly all got together to exchange instant bullshit...
Might distract us from our posting duties however... !!
and instant bullshitting blog..... a subgenre to start a new year.....
ReplyDeletestunned by the thought that went into the dreamcast, but downloadable content from mainstream games at a time when you must pay for miniscule graphics on the 360, the games industry has most definitely gone back to the stone age when it comes to value for your buck
sorry i've never introduced buck, buck say hello the the nice people
Hi Buck!
ReplyDeletemeet Rogers!
Now, guess we shouldn't waste even more time. PhDs don't write themselves you know...
We could blog nonsense though...
blog nonsence is good..... habit forming...... though i've anecdotal evidence to suggest too many Phds are written by themselves....
ReplyDeletei blame copy and paste
Are they? Without using foul magic? Anything soul-crushing? No?
soul crushing and foul magic..... you could be onto something... (checks phone book..) some vestil virgins would just fit the bill.....
ReplyDeleteCan't we have something to eat instead?
ReplyDelete..well we could try a steak.... with a virgin tied to it.....
ReplyDeleteWellll.. it's a bit too kinky really... Still, I could give it a try?
ReplyDeletePass me the pepper Elderly...
fuck u guys r weird..