
Thursday, September 13, 2007

European PSP Slim (2000) gets TV cables. Phew...

According to Kotaku and without having to use the word verbatim in context: Sony Say Yes, TV Cables Will Make The British PSP Slim Launch. Good news, innit? After all, what good is a shiny smaller Sony handheld if you can't connect it to a shinier 48" TV screen?

Related posts: Dead Head Fred video love, emulate the DS on your PSP, Free PSP game: Tower Defense


  1. I love the new PSP. Playing games in HD is amazing.

  2. To be honest dear Funnyman I will love the new PSP only if it actually makes the older one cheaper. Oh, and I don't believe the PSP can come anywhere near producing and HD signal really...

  3. It doesn't work like that. You have to play your PSP on an HD tv to get HD picture.

  4. Are you 100% sure... The TV has nothing to do with the PSP's inherent specs... The PS2, Wii or the Dreamcast for example can't output proper HDTV signal regardless of the TV/cables used...

  5. I have had no problems putting my PSP on my HD tv. It works just fine. I am only speaking from personal experience. Some people might have different results.

  6. Yes, but was it true HD output?

  7. Both the games and the movies appear to be in HD. I have not tried all my PSP games, but the ones that I have tried looked impressive.

  8. Well then, I must admit that sounds both impressive and frankly quite amazing. A beast this PSP...

  9. I seldom use my PSP to watch movies, but it is still a nice feature.

  10. Indeed it is. And Pirates is such a nice game too...

  11. No, no, Sid Meier's Pirates!

  12. Oh ok. Glad you were not talking about Pirates of the Caribbean because it is dismal.

  13. Usually games based on movies have a disasterous outcome.

  14. Absolutely. Only notable exceptions are AvP and Batman for the Amiga.

  15. Yes, and a rather excellent one too... Ridiculously atmosperic...

  16. I heard about it, but I thought it was an exclusive online multiplayer shooter.

  17. It's tough to enjoy games like that if I missed them when they originally came out. If they did a remake on the 360 or PS 3, I would be all over it.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Funnyman, just because it plays on your HDTV it doesn't mean it's being outputted in HD. Sony never said anything about the PSP being able to produce HD visuals (remember that the game has to have HD support too for your TV to display it in HD in the first place) and, although it would be amazing, it probably won't happen anytime soon.

    What you're seeing is SDTV - admittedly a great picture and probably better than a non-HD TV can output but it's definitely not in HD. In fact, at the conference when they unveiled the new PSP he showed a DVD on the screen and game journalists said the quality wasn't as good as standard DVD but near enough. That means it's nowhere near outputting in HD.

    Sorry to ruin the party :p

  20. I know not every game supports HD, but the movies and games appeared to me to be in HD on my tv. Keep in mind that I wear nerd-like coke bottle glasses and don't have perfect 20 / 20 vision, so for all I know you could be right. I am only talking about what I see from my perspective.

  21. Hmmm funnyman, I think AvP shouldn't be that tough to enjoy... Far too frantic to notice the archaic polygon count really...

    BTW, glad the HD discourse reached a decisive end.... ;)

  22. I will be tough for me because there is no turning back after BioShock, Halo 3, Resistance, and other next gen first person shooters.

  23. By the way, I second AvP - still an excellent game considering it's aging looks compared to modern PC FPS games.

  24. I second Tom's seconding (sp?)

  25. I second Tom's seconding (sp?)

  26. I have enough fun with FEAR, so I doubt I will enjoy AVP.

  27. Quite different games really, but to each his own...

  28. I have a hard time playing any last gen games. There might be a few like Resident Evil and Metal Gear, but that is about it.

  29. Well, definitely not a retro gamer then...

  30. You might be right; I am probably not a retro gamer. I like my games like I like my women. Attractive, nice, and fresh.

  31. Riiiiiight............ 2

  32. But not too fresh. I'm not like one of those guys on that show "How to Catch a Sexual Predator."
