Thursday, April 29, 2010
King of Fighters WiZ

Friday, April 23, 2010
GBA Game Boy fusion

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Amiga 500 on the iPhone
Just a video of a tech demo really, but it's most impressive. Apparently all the iPhone now lacks is a proper and properly bulky joystick.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Galcon Fusion on the iPad
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Amiga emulation on the Wiz

We all know that the Wiz is a rather amazing little console and we all know it's excellent for emulating retro gaming machines. What's more, all those that have read my Wiz review should also know that it manages to effortlessly emulate the pretty tricky Commodore Amiga and provide some excellent 16-bit classic gaming on the go. The emulator for the job is of course none other than the Wiz optimized version of UAE; the aptly named UAE4ALL, which you can grab here. For free.
UAE4ALL is a pretty strong emulator that manages to play the huge majority of Amiga games I tried, supports multiple drives, emulates a mouse and joystick and even offers the option of a rather handy virtual keyboard. It is also quite simple to use, though this pretty amazing starter guide should help anyone get it running (perfectly) in no time. What's more you can check a pretty extensive compatibility list and find out that, yes, you can easily play both Agony and Sensible Soccer on your little handheld.
Oh, and to help you get started with your Amiga gaming, let me point out that you can easily download some free games from the Hall of Light, Llamasoft, Factor 5 and Cinemaware. You can even take an Elite space tour.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Mr Driller on the Wiz

Wednesday, April 07, 2010
ScummVM brings classic adventures on your Sony PSP

Yes, now that the latest version of ScummVM has been made available, the time has come to enjoy some of the best -actually, the best- adventures ever released on your PSP. Simply follow the link and download the excellent and freeware version of ScummVM, that is nothing less than an extremely powerful and easy to use emulator for (among other companies') classic Lucasarts, Sierra, Revolution, Activision, Horrorsoft and Humongous games. What this means is you'll be able to enjoy Maniac Mansion, Monkey Island, Space Quest, Elvira, Broken Sword, Gobliiins, Day of the Tentacle, King's Quest and a ton of other brilliant point-and-clickers on your trusty and still shiny PSP.
What's more, more than a few of said adventure classics have wisely been made available for free. Click here, scroll down a bit and grab yourselves legal and 100% freeware versions of Beneath a Steel Sky, Flight of the Amazon Queen, Lure of the Temptress and Drascula, as well as a selection of most interesting demos. Visiting GOG.com would be also rather cunning. They've got Teen Agent for free and -as you'd expect- a huge selection of DRM free adventures to grab for a modest prize.
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
The DSiWare video you all wanted
Coming after 1 whole year of Nintendo's gaming service has been enjoyed (and paid for in that nasty point currency), the above video should be of interest both to new DSi gamers who can see what some of the best DSi offerings are, and to everyone else who'd like to find out what's next for their handheld. The answer is quite a lot of promising stuff apparently. Just ignore Frogger Returns (already looks appalling), and have a look at Earthworm Jim, Metal Torrent and the incredibly silly looking Photo Dojo.
Monday, April 05, 2010
Sam & Max debut on iPad

Friday, April 02, 2010
Cave Story: Calculated