Friday, December 24, 2010
Indie iPhone Holiday Sale
Friday, December 17, 2010
iPad Games for Cats
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Review: Atari Greatest Hits: Volume I (DS)
Friday, November 26, 2010
Puzzle Agent HD Lite (iPad)
Monday, November 15, 2010
Caanoo PC Engine emulation

Sunday, November 14, 2010
The Kindle plays Poker

Saturday, November 13, 2010
L.E.D. Football Free Weekend

Friday, November 12, 2010
Mario's Nintendo DSi LL

Friday, November 05, 2010
Atari's Greatest Hits on the DS
Gotta love the current retro releases for the DS. Really. I mean just look at the just released Atari Greatest Hits: Volume 1. It looks shiny, well-thought out, nostalgia inducing and sports 50 truly classic Atari 2600 and arcade games, including Asteroids, Missile Command and Centipede. Impressively multiplayer head-to-head games have also been made possible.
Have a look at a couple screenshots below, and wait for the review that might just appear on this very blog.
Monday, November 01, 2010
Interactive Fiction Lives on the iOS

It seems that interactive fiction, classic text adventures if you prefer, is getting stronger and more popular on those iOS devices Apple seems to love producing. You can already play retro Zenobi adventures on your iPad, iPhone or iPod via the ZX Nostalgia app and Textfyre is also planning to unleash some modern i-f on the devices. You can even grab the excellent and very freeware Frotz app, that will let you enjoy both classic Infocom games (think Zork, Planetfall and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) and contemporary offerings.
What's more, Andrew Plotkin, a prolific and incredibly talented interactive fiction author has decided to produce epic, polished and hopefully impressive text adventures for the iOS. His project, that appeared less a day ago on Kickstarter, has already surpassed its 8,000$ funding goal, which means that gamers will soon get to enjoy his forthcoming interactive alchemical interplanetary thriller: Hadean Lands. Oh, and quite possibly many more interactive fiction goodies too, as Plotkin seems willing to invest part of the money on strengthening the i-f community and genre.
More info can be found here, where you too can also support the project, try a demo, watch a trailer, play some quality text adventures, discover what makes interactive fiction such a beautiful genre and effectively preorder the game.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Giana Sisters on iTunes

When the Great Giana Sisters, an excellent Super Mario inspired platformer, was released back in the 80s, the all-mighty Nintendo made sure it never had a chance to compete. It even made sure that all copies were pulled from retail. Still, the Giana Sisters being a fantastic game lived on in myth and the heads of retro gamers and are now making quite a comeback.
Simply follow this very link and grabbed a reworked version of the game with brand new graphics and sounds, that lovingly sports the original version as an unlockable. Giana Sisters is available for the iPod, iPad and iPhone.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Play Warcraft on your Caanoo

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Speedball 2: Evolution

Sensible Soccer (and of course SWOS) was the best football game ever designed and thus the best two-player game to make it to the Amiga; an achievement contested only by the almost equally excellent Speedball 2. Then again Speedball 2 was the better looking offering and still plays a mean, futuristic, violent ball game. Oh, and will apparently evolve itself to Speedball 2: Evolution for the iPhone, iPad, Android and a few more portable platforms.
The following teaser does look promising, though I must admit that most recent attempts at updating the game were rather disappointing. Oh, well, at least it comes with a proper Bitmap Brothers logo this time.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Indie Kindle Gaming

Monday, October 04, 2010
ZX Nostalgia. Adventure edition vol.1

Seems like everyone's favourite 8-bit home micro, the ultimate game machine of the 80s, the Sinclair ZX Spectrum, is experiencing a revival on the iPhone and the rest of Apple's iDevices. No, really. The seemingly excellent ZX Nostalgia. Adventure edition vol.1 has just made it to the App Store, is compatible with the iPhone, iPod and iTouch, looks brilliant, and is offering some of the best adventures the Speccy has ever seen. You can get the adventury ZX Nostalgia here.
- A Stroll In The Bleak Forest (1989)
- An Everyday Tale Of A Seeker Of Gold (1986)
- Behind Closed Doors 1 (1988)
- Behind Closed Doors 2 (1988)
- Behind Closed Doors 3 (1989)
- Bulbo and The Lizard-KIng (1987)
- Bulbo Pics (1987)
- From Out Of A Dark Night Sky (1988)
- Fuddo and Slam (1987)
- Fuddo Pics (1987)
- Just One Of Those days (1988)
- Retarded Creatures and Caverns (1989)
- The Balrog and The Cat (1988)
- The Goblin Gazzzette (1988)
- The Goblin Gazzette 2 (1989)
- The Secret Of Little Hodcome (1986)
Thursday, September 30, 2010
A CPC for your Caanoo

The 8-bit Amstrad CPC, both in its 464 and 6128 variants, was a fantastic home computer, that was wildly popular in Europe and sported an amazing catalog of gaming software. Then again you know that; if not please do read this lovely Amstrad retrospective and come back. Happily those proud owners of the Caanoo handheld can now play through said catalog on the go via the rather excellent and absolutely freeware Cap32 (a.k.a. Caprice32) emulator.
Cap32 emulates every classic CPC model you'd care mention (464, 664, 6128) and even sports some rather impressive features to enhance your retro gaming experience. Think cheats, save states, memory monitors and more. What's more you can discover and download hundreds of games for free via CPC Game Reviews.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Elite brings Spectrum gaming to the iPhone

Impressively, Elite has packed its offering with more features than any 8-bit lover would hope to ask for: officially licensed ZX Spectrum games, game-specific play controls, extensive playing instructions, the option of portrait or landscape play, and authentic Speccy sound.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Highly portable SNES emulator

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Mobile Interactive Stories

Textfyre will be publishing interactive stories to all mobile devices. Stories will be developed internally at Textfyre, but also licensed from any author or company that wishies to publish their content on our platform.
The platform will allow free and paid content while offering a central repository. The reader can interact on a Kindle, then open up the same story on their iPhone and start where they left off. They can move to their Mac or PC and do the same. Stories will come in all genre's and lengths, leaving those details to the story designers. Textfyre's stories generally offer 10 to 20 hours of interactive time and include hints and introductory assistance.
We plan to have our engine and user interfaces implemented by the end of 2010 with your help. This will include native Mac OS X, iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone 7, Kindle, Blackberry, and Palm Pre devices (barring unforseen technical or other factors).
And here's an online demo of The Shadown in the Cathedral to help you understand what kind of games we're talking about.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Undercroft (iPhone) gone free!

Thursday, September 16, 2010
Back to the Newton
Monday, September 13, 2010
AGS on the iPhone

Monday, September 06, 2010
Ken's Labyrinth for free

Friday, September 03, 2010
Atari's Greatest Hits: Volume 1 (DS)

Additionally (also, allegedly), Atari’s Greatest Hits: Volume 1 will sport a sleek and colorful interface, that will let us access the games themselves, their original manuals, an Atari memorabilia showcase, and even an Atari Trivia game.
The complete Atari’s Greatest Hits: Volume 1 game line-up is as follows:
Asteroids, Battlezone, Centipede, Gravitar, Lunar Lander, Missile Command, Pong, Space Duel, Tempest.
Atari 2600:
3D Tic-Tac-Toe, Adventure, Air-Sea Battle, Asteroids, Atari Video Cube, Basketball, Battlezone, Bowling, Centipede, Championship Soccer, Dodge ’Em, Flag Capture, Football, Fun with Numbers, Gravitar, Hangman, Haunted House, Home Run, Human Cannonball, Math Gran Prix, Miniature Golf, Missile Command, Outlaw, Realsports Baseball, Realsports Boxing, Realsports Football, Realsports Tennis, Realsports Volleyball, Sky Diver, Slot Maching, Slot Racers, Sprintmasters, Starship, Stella Track, Submarine Commander, Surround, Swordquest Earthworld, Swordquest Fireworld, Swordquest Waterworld,Tempest and Video Checkers.
Impressive, eh? Let's just hope the emulation is proper. Oh, and here's the thing's trailer:
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Galcon Labs for free (iPhone)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The FunGP is finally here!

Kaptain Brawe: the iAdventures

Must have been 5 or 6 years ago when I first encountered the incredibly promising Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World point-and-click adventure game. Even tried a demo and wrote a preview back then, when quite suddenly said humorous little sci-fi game, well, sort of disappeared. It was a shame too, as the demo was really good sporting interesting puzzles, weird characters, excellent 2D graphics and a ton of added style.
Anyway. Good news is Kaptain Brawe just resurfaced and will very soon be available to play, not only on your PC or Mac, but on Apple's definitely handheld and quite portable iDevices too. Expect the game to be available for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch on the first day of November, with (discounted) preorders starting September 15th. Find out more about Kaptain Brawe and patiently wait to order your copy here.
Monday, August 16, 2010
The Game & Watch remakes

It's been quite sometime since I started enjoying those old Game & Watch LCD handhelds by Nintendo, and I must admit to being absolutely startled at the sheer playability and addictiveness of those rather ancient handhelds. Though I could suggest you have a look over at eBay in order to grab a couple, I'm quite aware of their, well, rather inflated prices, and this is the reason why I will suggest you visit Handheld Remakes instead.
There, you will find excellent simulated versions of some of the best Game & Watch games, that -though not particularly portable- have lost nothing in the translation. What's more, those remakes are far from restricted to Nintendo's early games. You'll find a ton of Mattel, Bandai, Tiger etc stuff to help you waste your time in a most pleasant way. Enjoy.
Friday, August 13, 2010
How the 3DS works

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Amazon Kindle gets playful

I've been this close to grabbing a Kindle e-reader by Amazon for quite some time now, but finally it's been decided! I'll be getting a Wi-Fi one as soon as possible and will very soon be enjoying a ton of digital books on the closest thing to paper a screen can come up with. Possibly on the beach. As an added bonus, I guess I'll be gaming on my little portable device too, as Amazon has already started providing the Kindle with games.
They might just be relatively simple puzzle, card and word games for now, but Crosswords, Backgammon, Remove-A-Pair Solitaire, Mathdoku, Sudoku and the rest are a good start. And I can really feel it in my bones, that they will soon be accompanied by some excellent interactive fiction (you know, text adventures) soon. Possibly even some ports of Infocom and Level 9 games too, or at least the emulators needed.
Monday, August 09, 2010
Atari Lynx video review
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
Intellivision Lives on the DS
I really can't have enough retro ports on modern consoles, and apparently the good people responsible for the forthcoming Intellivision Lives DS are more than eager to indulge me. Their retro compilation featuring over 60 emulated classic, forgotten and even obscure Intellivision games will be available for the DS this September. Joy, oh joy!
What's more, the team responsible for this project -as you might have already guessed- is the Intellivision Lives team; the same Intellivision experts we've known and loved for ages. Oh, and that touch-screen of the DS will definitely come in handy with emulating the odd Intellivision controller. Here's the trailer:
Monday, August 02, 2010
Redemption - Liar (Wiz)

Aha! A commercial game for the Wiz; how very interesting and promising. Redemption - Liar, you see, is what I believe to be the first non-indie release for the console and definitely the first one gamers can buy on a proper cart. Well, okay, a proper SD card that is. Now, as I haven't played the game myself just yet, I can't really comment on its quality, but I have to admit it looks interesting. Sounds good on paper too.
Redemption - Liar is an action RPG that seems to be rather deep and offer a lot of content. Graphics and music seem decent (here's a rather bad but enlightening gameplay video) and according to them Play Asia customer reviews the game is good. It even comes wth five arcade games on the card throw in. Oh, and you can find out more and of course grab yourselves a copy of the game here.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Cosmos Chaos DS

Thursday, July 29, 2010
Snatcher Pilot DS

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Online Gameboy Emulator

Monday, July 19, 2010
Disney's TRON for free

Friday, July 16, 2010
Gaming on the go in the future?
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Apple's Retro Section launched

Monday, July 12, 2010
A short Zaku (Lynx) review

As to why you should buy Zaku, well, for starters, the production values of the game's box are simply amazing, what with the proper cartridge and full-colour manual. One more reason can be found on the video below:
You can see how impressive those graphics are, can't you? And, please, do notice the impressive parallax scrolling and glorious sprites. Gameplay-wise, worry not. This is a rich and varied shmup that sports quite a few innovations, many bosses, five levels and the flair of Air Zonk.
You can purchase your copy of Zaku via its official site.
Friday, July 09, 2010
Etrian Odyssey III: The Art Book preorder

Thursday, July 08, 2010
Monkey Island 2: Special Edition (iPad)

Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Wallace & Gromit: The Last Resort (iPad)